Emotional Wellness & Stress Management

Emotional Wellness and Counselling

India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25, It is expected that, in 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years

Unfortunately 25 % of kids between13 to 15 suffer from depression and India has the highest suicide rate among 10 South-East Asian countries

All of these suggest that we need to really focus on increasing the level of mental health in Indian population if we want to live in healthy society in coming years.

We treat following emotional problems with homeopathy. We also offer counselling along with homoeopathic treatment

  • Anger- short temperedness, irritability, temper tantrums, aggression, tendency for violence and abuse (physical or verbal)
  • Anxiety- Feeling of something wrong happening, excessive worry and constant negative thoughts, overthinking, negativity, palpitation, shortness of breath, felling as if something dangerous happening to client or people around him, or events around him
  • Grief –Due to loss of near and dear ones, break ups, death, accidents, illness or other reasons- excessive uncontrolled crying, inability to control one’s emotions, loneliness, feeling of not belonging or having no support
  • Depression- lack of motivation, no drive to do anything, discouragement, loss of confidence, lack of positivity or hope, constant negative thoughts and negativity, dullness or low mood
  • fears and phobias- fear of various things ranging from exams, interviews, water, heights, thieves, storms, accidents, injections, doctors, hospitals, blood, ghosts, death, losing loved ones, break up, financial crisis, and many other things


We also treat psychiatric disorders with homoeopathy-

Obsessive compulsive disorder- repeatedly washing hands, having bath, checking doors, or having repetitive thoughts and necessity to do repetitive actions

Schizophrenia- erroneous ideas about people keeping watch, people plotting against, hearing voices, aliens after me, and many others

Personality disorders- extreme behavioural patterns of possessiveness, aggression, suspicion, jealousy and many others.


Homoeopathic medicines do not have any side effects, clients do not develop dependency on these medicines. Most of the clients show good recovery and return to normalcy and then we can completely stop the medicines in many cases. These is no need to take medication life-long for most clients.

Many clients face emotional problems due to stress, work life imbalance, relationship issues. We offer counselling to all emotional problems and help client deal with their emotions as well as the cause of their problems. Counselling mainly involves helping the client express their emotions in healthy way, dealing with problems effectively, changing attitude, whenever required, towards various issues

We also offer hypnotherapy, dealing with childhood traumas through regression, past life regression etc.