Allergy Care

About Dr Nayana Khopade

Dr. Nayana Khopade has been practising Homoeopathy since last 24 years. She has graduated from Smt. CMP Homoeopathic Medical College, Mumbai. She has conducted and participated in various homoeopathic medicinal provings. She is a Consultant Physician at the Anjuman girls’ orphanage since last 25 years. She has recently completed her Child and Adult Psychology Enhancing Potential and REBT. Her good communication skills have helped her develop a good rapport with patients. She has been successfully conducting the Respiratory and Skin Allergy Clinic at Prana.

Blog of Dr Nayana Khopade Articles
  • Allergies - Allergies are hypersensitive responses from the immune system to substances that either enter or come in contact with our body. A substance that causes an […]