Let Homoeopathy Serve in the disorders of Mind & Nerve…..
People are healthier today not because they receive all this well publicized better treatment when ill but simply because they tend not to become ill in the first place. Accordingly, the effectiveness of doctors is largely illusory.
Homoeopathy can play a pivotal role in treatment of conditions like anguish anxiety neurosis, hypochondriasis, Different types of phobias, hysterical states, OCDs, memory problems, sleep disorders etc. Since many ordinary illnesses are nothing but the expression of a serious dissatisfaction of life…Homoeopathy can offer a tailor made solution to these conditions because of its individualistic approach, such as fear of death in Aconite, claustrophobia in Arg. Nit., hand washing mania in Syphilinum, sudden loss of memory in Anacardium, senile dementia in Ambra G. etc.
Besides mind, various nerve disorders such as nerve pains, different types of neuralgias, sciatica, Carpal tunnel syndrome, nervous headaches etc. can be successfully treated with Homoeopathy, because it offers range of pain remedies with relevant modalities & concomitants. Inspite of this vast scope in the field of mind & nerve disorders, it has its own limitations in severe psychotic conditions like schizophrenia, endogenous depression, nervous breakdown, seasonal affective disorders, Addictions, alcoholism, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s, cerebro-vascular accidents etc. Still, it can play an effective palliative role in their long term management at par with modern medicines.
Constitutional treatment of Homoeopathy is an excellent complement to psychotherapy.
At PRANA, we serve to society through the specialty clinics in order to deliver best possible expertise to the suffering humanity. We recognize the healing process can be pretty traumatic. But principles of Homoeopathy has taught us to make a note of the patient’s emotional condition, social standing, economic capacities & philosophical attitudes before deciding on a course of treatment because efficient performance established with considerate touch can do wonders…. Let’s do it at PRANA..!